GISTAM 2020: GIS Conference in Prague

GISIG is partner of the 6th GISTAM Conference (Geographical Information System Theory, Application and Management) that will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 7th to 9th May 2020.

March 30th, 2020|Conferences, News, Workshops|

WaterSpy final workshop in Genoa

Together with IREN, GISIG is organizing the final workshop of the WaterSpy project, which will be hosted in Genoa by the IIS (Italian Institute for Welding) on the 11st of February.

January 16th, 2020|News, projects|

GISIG in a round table on urban resilience in Genoa

In the context of the Genoa Smart Week (25-30 November 2019), GISIG participated in a workshop dedicated to the building of a smart and resilient city.

December 5th, 2019|News|

EO4GEO at the European Space Week

As coordinator of the EO4GEO Project, GISIG is in Helsinki to participate in the European Space Week 2019 (1-6 December), the main event for the European Space programs.

December 3rd, 2019|News|

GISIG at the ASITA Conference 2019

GISIG participated in the ASITA annual Conference (Trieste, Italy, 13 November 2019) presenting three of its projects to the audience (ARInfuse, EO4GEO and RECONECT). ASITA is one of the most important Italian events in the geomatic sector, intended for researchers, professors, professionals, public and private users operating in the various sectors of the geospatial and environmental data.

November 19th, 2019|News|