Kicking off the SpaceSUITE project in Genoa, Italy

Between 1 and 2 February 2024, 28 partners and members from Academia, vocational education and training (VET) providers, associations of governments, and representatives of industry companies from Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia and Estonia, kicked off the new SpaceSUITE project in Genoa, Italy.

Happy 31st birthday to GISIG!

Founded on 12 October 1992, we are the first association on GIS born in Europe.
We are proud of the goals achieved and we continue to work to pursue our objectives and mission.

Thanks to our

Launching event of the SPACE4GEO Large-Scale Partnership on Space Data, Services and Applications

DG DEFIS hosted the launching event of the SPACE4GEO Large-Scale Partnership, coordinated by GISIG, in the frame of the Paris Air Show, the 22nd June 2023.

Launch of the Large Scale Skills Partnership in the space sector

On April the 25th and with the support of the Commission, SPACE4GEO, the Large Scale Partnership on Space Data, Services and Applications was launched.

Kick-off of the DIS4SME project

The project, co-funded by EU-Digital Europe Programme, kicked off with an on-line meeting held on Genova the 7th and 8th February.

Kick-off of the 100KTrees project

The project, co-funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe Programme, kicked off with an on-line meeting held on 19th December