
giCASES at the 8th University-Business Forum in Brussels

The giCASES project was invited to the 8th University Business Forum, the biggest EU event on University-Business collaboration! The event took place on the 24-25 October 2019, specifically targeted for all the “Knowledge Alliance Projects” of the period 2014-2018.

October 28th, 2019|News|

Workshop ARInfuse at the ASITA Conference 2019

Within the ARInfuse project GISIG, in collaboration with AM/FM GIS Italia, organizes a workshop on Augmented Reality (AR) in the management of the utility underground infrastructures.

The workshop, which will be held in Italian, will take place at the ASITA Conference 2019 on November 13 in Trieste (Italy).

October 18th, 2019|News, Workshops|

GISIG at the RECONECT meeting in Nice

The third General Assembly of RECONECT took place in Nice (France) from 30 September to 2 October, organized by the local partners UNS (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis). The project, which aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to reduce hydro-meteorological risk, sees GISIG as leader of the “Dissemination and Communication” tasks and involved in

October 9th, 2019|News, projects|

e-GEOS Hackaton on Geoinformation in Rome

e-GEOS, company operating in the Earth-Observation and Geo-spatial information field, is organizing an Hackathon dedicated to the world of Geoinformation.

October 3rd, 2019|News|

EO4GEO at the ESA Phi-Week Education side event

The EO4GEO project will participate to the ESA Phi-Week’s Education side event, taking place on 11 September in ESA ESRIN (Frascati, Rome)

September 10th, 2019|News|