
About Gisig-webmaster

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So far Gisig-webmaster has created 134 blog entries.

New training resources from our partners

We are glad to inform you about the availability of new training resources that might be of your interest.

New and updated training modules developed by KULeuven and Epsilon Italia in the context of the INSPIRE Training Library:

February 9th, 2021|News|

Week of GI-Education for the Future

The Week of GI-Education for the Future aims to bring together teachers, experts, practitioners and students to present and discuss recent advances in GI-education and think about GI-education for the future.

January 25th, 2021|Conferences, News, Workshops|

Final ARinfuse virtual training workshop

The workshop “Exploiting the potential of Augmented Reality & Geospatial Technologies within the utilities sector” will take place online on the 28th January 10:00 – 13:30 EET (09:00-12:30 CET).

January 25th, 2021|News, Workshops|


Augmented Reality for Geographical Information Management in the Water Utility Sector

December 6th, 2020|Finished projects|

Virtual Workshop on Augmented Reality within the utilities sector

ARInfuse, GISIG and AMFM organize the virtual training workshop “Exploiting the potential of Augmented Reality & Geospatial Technologies within the utilities sector” that will take place online on 3 December 10:00 – 12:30 CET.

December 2nd, 2020|News, Workshops|