The Second Project Committee Meeting of RECONECT took place in Zwolle (NL) from 8th to 10th May 2019, organized by the local partners IHE-Delft and TAUW. GISIG participated as leader of the “Dissemination and Communication” task of the project.
Social innovation, stakeholders mapping, NBS works implementation, monitoring systems and indicators were the most discussed topics of the meeting.
In the field trip to the Ijssel River Basin (one of the Demonstrator areas of the project) NBS works executed under the banner of the Room for the River Programme were shown by local experts.
Noteworthy was also the participation in the meeting of the special guest Henk WJ Ovink (Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands), to emphasize the relevance of RECONECT also for addressing future water and land planning policies.