Opportunities for user-friendly implementation of the IT achievements in municipal administration.

E-MuniS ultimate goal is to provide opportunities for user-friendly implementation of the IT achievements in municipal administration working processes and services to citizens. It aims at improving the best practices of the EU municipalities in the field and transferring the results to SEE municipalities from the Balkan region, integrating it to the EU municipal network. It meets the requirements of the IST Support Activities IST – 2000-VIII.1.6 – VIII.1.5, and accompanies activities under IST 2000 – I.311 Smart government. The needs of the SEE municipalities for improvement of the administrative work and services to citizens were identified by the SEEmunIS pre-project (SouthEast European Municipal Information Infrastructures, 1999/2000).
The E-MuniS Consortium includes municipalities and IT companies from EU and SEE.

E-Munis Guidelines:
The E-Munis Guidelines are organised in six chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of using Information Technology within the Municipalities. They are structured as a guide to different e-Municipality issues and each chapter was developed in such a way that the reader can look at the issues of his/her interest without the necessity to go through the whole document.

Download the E-munis_guidelines

  • Funding: Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme
  • Start-End year: 2001-2003