BRIdging SErvices, Information and Data for Europe

BRISEIDE is a ICT Policy Support Programme project within EU’s.It involves 15 EU partners on the development of spatio-temporal web processes for geospatial application.

Civil Protection operators and Public Administrations, engaged in urban planning, resource & environmental management, need spatio-temporal processing of GI to support decision-making.

Current SDIs and the ESDI, only partially address user needs as they offer no or very limited time variable management. The integration between INSPIRE-compliant geographic datasets and operational databases, essential in domains such as environmental risk management and civil protection, is poor.

Thus the present scope of services SDI can offer is somewhat limited. It is the aim of BRISEIDE to build on existing SDI’s in order to provide users with more complete and adequate data and processing tools.

  • Funding: ICT-PSP GRANT AGREEMENT N. 250474
  • Start-End year: 2010-2012