
The water operators in the EU are given three courses: one course is mainly focused on new technologies such as Automatic Meter Readers (AMR), Unaccounted Flow Reducers (UFR), mobile noise loggers, etc.  Other course teaches the international best practice (IWA) for water loss management and water supply benchmarking. The last training course illustrates the results of the work carried out in the pilot project and teaches the Best Practice for reducing Non Revenue Water considering the typical Mediterranean conditions.

The water operators in the Mediterranean Partner countries are given six training courses: three have the same contents as the ones provided to EU water operators. The other three reinforce their knowledge about best practice methodologies and technologies for improving their efficiency.

Exchange visits for water operators to see other participating utilities and the results of the pilot project conducted with AQUAKNIGHT.


Schedule and Programmes of the Training Actions:

Alexandria – 24th -25th of April, 2012

Tunis -  27th -28th of June, 2012

Genova – 19th -20th of September, 2012


Exchange Visit, Reggio Emilia, 22nd of May 2012